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Stock Price

Current stock valuation by ticker

TRMNL Team avatar
Written by TRMNL Team
Updated over a month ago

Picking the stocks you want to keep up with takes a few seconds and doesn’t require any coding.

Step 1 - Visit the Stock Price plugin

Inside TRMNL, navigate to Plugins > Stock Price. There you need to:

  • Name your Plugin

  • Enter the tickers you would like to track separated by a comma

Step 2 - You're Done!

Based on your desired refresh settings, TRMNL will begin showcasing the most recent price and daily change very soon.


  • You can show up to 12 tickers at a time

  • If you need to edit a ticker, create a new plugin with the correct symbol and delete the incorrect plugin

  • If you submit a ticker that is not valid, it will show the code you entered with no price

  • You can access all tickers we are tracking here

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