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GitHub Commit Graph
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Google CalendarView your upcoming schedule, apointments, and tasks.
YouTube AnalyticsSee how your channel is doing, hands-free.
ShopifySales and order stats, at your fingertips.
Private PluginsUse our API to build your own screens.
RobinhoodMonitor your portfolio performance over time.
Upcoming MoviesSee what's coming out.
Simple AnalyticsMonitor web traffic, in peace.
Lunch MoneySimplified personal finances.
PolymarketPopular predictions, ending soon.
The OfficeYour favorite quotes from your favorite show.
ReadwiseGet the most out of what you read.
beehiivThe newsletter platform built for growth
Google AnalyticsWeb traffic and visitor analytics.
Upcoming MoviesWhat's playing in theaters, now or in the near future.
Todo ListSimple tracker that supports "doing" and "done" lists.
Shopping ListSimple tracker for upcoming purchases.
SalesforceOpportunity views at a glance.
StatuspageUptime and incident tracking for your tools.
Stock PriceCurrent stock valuation by ticker
WeatherYour local forecast.
GumroadSee how much stuff you're selling.