TRMNL has 3 types of plugins:
native, which we build + maintain ourselves
private, which you build for yourself
third party, which anyone can build for other users
Native plugins include Shopify, reddit, Google Calendar, and dozens more.
Private plugins range from college football rankings to xkcd comics.
Third party plugins may include a space station tracker, art history bot, or even a custom integration with your own platform for mutual customers.
However in some cases, users prefer to share private plugins without hosting user data on their own server. For this we have Recipes.
Introducing recipes
In our open source Plugins repository you'll find a growing number of private plugins -- developed originally for a single person -- that have since been shared for anyone to enjoy:
However setting these up may take a few minutes of your time and a little bit of coding knowledge. So to remove these requirements we offer an easier way to share private plugins.
Enabling a recipe
Vist the Plugins tab > scroll down to Recipes
Choose one, then simply hit 'save' to activate the recipe
You're done!
You may now edit this plugin as if it was your own, from the Plugins > Connected > Private plugin interface. You can modify the markup design, refresh interval, icon image, plugin name, and more.
Submitting a recipe
Build a private plugin, making sure to include markup for all 4 layouts (full, half vertical, half horizontal, quadrant)
Email [email protected] with subject "Recipe candidate - {{ plugin name }}"
We'll test your plugin, then publish it in Plugins > Recipes
We look forward to seeing what you build.
Stay focused.