If you're new to building plugins, see Private Plugins and Public Plugins API Docs.
Below is a guide to adding user-facing form fields inside a Private Plugin or Recipe.
How it works
Step 1 - Plugin author (you) creates custom fields
Step 2 - Plugin user (including you) can interact with rendered fields
Step 3 - Provided values are accessible via author-defined key/value pairs inside the Markup Editor
{{ trmnl.plugin_settings.custom_fields_values }}
# => { "password": "secret", "lookback_period": "7" }
Let's begin!
Supported field types
Where possible, TRMNL follows HTML5 input types to leverage native browser validations and UX features. Our current selection includes:
text (textarea)
code (like textarea, but monospace font)
date (M Y D)
time (HH:SS)
select (single or multi)
copyable (produces 'click to copy' button)
Coming soon:
radio (binary toggle)
xhrFetch (
field that fetches<option>
values from external URL)
Anatomy of a form field
The following key/value pairs are available to all field types:
- parameterized identifier, not user-facing, exuser_email
- one of the above "type" valuesname
- field labeldescription
- secondary field label, HTML-friendlyhelp_text
- tertiary field label, HTML-friendly (optional)optional
- boolean; unless set to true,required
will be added to HTML input (omit if field should be required)default
- value if input is left blank; must be a lowercase, parameterized version of one of the providedoptions
values or will not be pre-chosen onselect
field type. example: "Upcoming Movies" option =>upcoming_movies
The following key/value pairs are available for some field types:
- number of visible rows on atext
- collection of option values for theselect
- example value if input is cleared; supported byurl
When building a form field, only the following values are required:
keyname, name, field_type
Building form fields
Below are examples of every supported field type, which you may modify with optional parameters described above.
Note that every field must be indented 2 spaces and be preceded with a -
, also called a block sequence.
- keyname: url
field_type: url
name: Web Address
description: URL of RSS Feed
placeholder: https://www.site.com/rss
help_text: Please include http:// or https://
- keyname: api_key
field_type: string
name: API Key
description: Account API Key
placeholder: sa_api_key_qwerty
text (textarea)
- keyname: prompt
field_type: text
name: Prompt
description: Enter your prompt for Chat GPT to respond.
placeholder: Tell me a Dad Joke under 200 words.
- keyname: retirement_age
field_type: number
placeholder: '65'
name: Retirement Age
description: At what age do you plan to retire?
- keyname: password
field_type: password
name: Password
description: Mobile app login password
placeholder: s3cret!
- keyname: json_query
field_type: code
rows: 8
name: JSON Query
description: Provide a raw query
placeholder: |
{ "cannot": "spare a square" }
help_text: Learn how to do this <a href="https://jquery.com/" class="underline">here</a>.
- keyname: start_date
field_type: date
placeholder: '2024-11-26'
name: Start Date
description: Provide your start date
When using the date field, rendered form will have a M/D/Y picker. However the value inside {{ trmnl.plugin_settings.custom_fields_values }}
will be YYYY-MM-DD
- keyname: scroll_time
field_type: time
name: Fixed start time?
description: By default, the week's earliest event time will be used.
help_text: Optional. Applies to week view only.
select (single, unified label/value option tags)
- keyname: filter_by
field_type: select
- Upcoming # value will be 'upcoming'
- Now Playing # value will be 'now_playing'
default: now_playing
name: Filter By
description: Select a movie type
βselect (single, with separate label/value option tags)
- keyname: lookback_period
field_type: select
- One Week: 7
- Two weeks: 14
default: 14 # should be set to the value, not the label
name: Lookback Period
select (multi)
- keyname: sales_pipeline
field_type: select
name: Pipeline Statuses
description: Select up to 3 statuses
- 'Discovery'
- 'Pending'
- 'Closed-lost'
- 'Closed-won'
multiple: true
Note: if you create a select
field that has options "Yes" and "No", and you want the default option to be "No," then you must wrap the default in quotes as "no" or it will be considered truthy. Example:
- keyname: include_description
field_type: select
name: Include Description
description: Select up to 3 statuses
- "Yes"
- "No"
default: "no" # unless wrapped in quotes, value will be true
- keyname: time_zone
field_type: time_zone
name: Time Zone
description: Where are you located?
- keyname: webhook_url
field_type: copyable
name: Webhook URL
value: "https://vandelayindustries.com/hooks/IMPORTS_EXPORTS"
description: "(Webhook strategy only) Paste this into your integration"
Form fields don't appear
If your YAML cannot be parsed for any reason, it will be ignored and no errors will be returned.
Check your YAML syntax with a free online tool to ensure proper formatting before saving it in the Custom Fields code editor: