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Importing and exporting private plugins
Importing and exporting private plugins

You worked hard developing your plugin - now share it!

TRMNL Team avatar
Written by TRMNL Team
Updated over a week ago

There's a rich ecosystem of user-developed plugins outside of our official integrations, and it's very simple to share and utilize these handcrafted private plugins.

We've developed a standard ZIP file format that plugin developers (dare we say, artisans) can follow. It conveniently combines plugin settings, custom fields, and markup into one archive.

Exporting a private plugin

Exporting is as simple as clicking Export on the settings page for the specific plugin. A ZIP file will be downloaded with the entire contents of your plugin, including its settings, custom fields, and markup.

Importing a private plugin

On the Private Plugin settings page, simply click Import new and select the ZIP file to import. A new plugin will automatically be created and added to your playlist.

Plugin ZIP file contents

The ZIP archive of a private plugin contains the following flat list of files (no subdirectories):


settings.yml is required.

The .liquid files correspond to the individual Liquid HTML templates for each viewport. The maximum template file size is 1 MB.


See this article for details on configuring custom_fields.

# required:
name: My Awesome Plugin
strategy: polling # polling | webhook | static
refresh_interval: 60 # minutes; 15 | 60 | 360 | 720 | 1440

# polling strategy only:
polling_headers: ''
polling_verb: GET # GET | POST

# static strategy only:
static_data: '{"foo": "bar"}' # JSON string

# generic options:
no_screen_padding: 'no' # 'no' | 'yes' (quotes are necessary!)
dark_mode: 'no' # 'no' | 'yes' (quotes are necessary!)

# custom plugin form fields (optional, see docs):
- keyname: units
name: Units
field_type: select
- Metric
- Imperial
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