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Lunch Money

Simplified personal finances.

TRMNL Team avatar
Written by TRMNL Team
Updated over a month ago

Connecting your Lunch Money (referral link) account with TRMNL takes just a few seconds.

Step 1 - Visit the Lunch Money plugin

Inside TRMNL, navigate to Plugins > Lunch Money.

Step 2 - Connect Lunch Money

Log into your Lunch Money account and visit Settings > Developers.

Fil out the "New Access Token" Form with label TRMNL and optionally set your reason to "I need it for a third-party app."

This will grant you a long string of characters, which you'll only be able to see one time. Copy this to your clipboard.

Step 3 - Configure Plugin

Back inside TRMNL, paste your Lunch Money Access Token into the form beneath the preview image.

You may also select which type of financials you'd like to visualize, for example Budgets vs Accounts.

Here's an example of the Accounts layout, which incorporates negative values for liabilities and positive values for assets:

Click Save.

Step 4 - You're Done!

Based on your desired refresh settings, TRMNL will begin aggregating financial metrics from your Lunch Money account very soon.

Stay focused.

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